Monday, September 15, 2008

September Updates

Hi everyone! It has been a busy couple of months! Here are just a few photos until Mommy gets time to upload a complete album. First, here are Daddy and me in front of our new home (we moved in early August.)

I started my first gymnastics class. Here I am running on the trampoline. Olympics 2024, here I come!

We went to Daddy's work picnic. I went swimming, played in the ball pit, and ate blueberry ice cream. I like blueberry ice cream!
Mommy and me relaxing in the ball pit (she didn't do a good job of cleaning my face - note leftover blueberry ice cream....)
That same weekend in early September, I also visited Oak Meadow Park, where I rode the train, the carousel, their real bomber airplane, and (below) drove a fire truck.
FINALLY - it was my birthday weekend, and here is my first big present from Mommy and Daddy: my own play structure and slide (I really like slides.) It also has a wheel so I can "drive" it.
Then came the day of my big party, and another new present (from Ah-gong and Ah-mah) - it arrived about 5 minutes before the party started and was a big hit with all the other kids... a sand and water table.Aunt Helen sharing my birthday cake with me. Some people at the party ate their own piece of cake without sharing any with me - how selfish.
More fun at the water table - here with Adam and Uncle Ivan.
Later, Adam, Oliver and I turned my playtent into a mosh pit.

Hope you all enjoyed that - more to come when Mommy's back in town with some free time!

Monday, July 14, 2008

June Fun and Photos

Here are some fun videos from May, as promised. First, here I am enjoying a playdate with Max and Isabel.

Here I am at Happy Hollow, enjoying the fire truck ride (sorry it's sideways - oops! mommy needs to remember that about the camera....)

For Father's Day we went hiking with Adam and his family. Then in late June we went to celebrate more family birthdays with Ah-gong and Ah-mah. Here's something new: a slideshow (incl. video) from Picasa. To see the whole album, click here.

Bye for now - see you next month!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 2008 Highlights

For Mother's Day we went out to dinner with Ah-mah, Ah-gong, and Aunt Helen and Uncle Ivan. I got to eat lamb chops for the first time, including these fun bones to knaw on!
I also started my new part time job as a farm laborer in Ah-mah's vegetable garden. She put me to work picking fava beans, which are yummy (though better after you cook them). Here are Uncle Ivan's picture of me working in the garden.
Here I am hanging out with my friend Adam. We met a cute little girl at the library; we were both engrossed with watching her.
On Memorial Day weekend, we went camping on Angel Island, out in the San Francisco Bay (this was actually our 2nd camping trip of the month - I am quite the pro now). We had to take a ferry, then walk a mile (well, I got a ride in the stroller) to our beautiful campsite with its panoramic views. I like camping - tons of space to run around and pick up sticks and rocks. We also had a private beach, so Daddy and I could throw lots of rocks into the water!

We also went to Happy Hollow for the first time, and I got to ride a carousel, drive a fire engine (I liked the bell!) and pet a goat.

Happy Hollow also has a really cool maze that I liked running through. Too bad HH is closing (it will re-open in a year or so but the maze is going away....)
That's all for this time - coming soon: another visit with Ah-mah and Ah-gong, Father's Day, and some new videos!


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Funny E-card for the March for Babies!

Yes it's a plug for my fundraising efforts this weekend, but it's cute! Click on the "Play" button to see it....

Click here to help me reach my goal!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April Photos

Hi everyone! Just some quick snaps of what we've been up to in the last month. First of all, we went to Vail, Colorado to visit Aunt Becky, Uncle Kevin, and Cousin Aedan. I didn't like the snow that much, but I really liked the swimming pool at the local rec center! Here are Aedan and I enjoying the kiddie pool.

A couple weekends ago Mommy and I went clubbing! Yes, she took me to Baby Loves Disco. We had a lot of fun - I LOVED the bubble machine. My uncle Ivan also came down for a visit and took some nice pictures.
Here's the whole slide show from Uncle Ivan - including shots of our February visit to the DeYoung Museum sculpture garden.
That's all for now! Mommy's off on another biz trip soon (to Ireland) so Daddy and I will be holding down the fort (wish us luck).


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 03, 2008

March 2008 - Houston, We Have a Toddler!

Guest Blogger: Bryce's Mommy

Hello everyone,

As promised, I wanted to check in with everyone who reads Bryce's blog and let you know what's been going on with him (and us!) Bryce is --unbelievably-- almost 18 months old now, and is no longer a baby, but a busy little boy. He is walking, talking, running (for short bursts - usually until he trips over his own feet), and intently investigating the world around him.

His first word (for a long time) was "uh oh", which he's been saying since he was barely a year old. But the first object he really named (back in December) was an "apple"; now this is also his name for bananas, oranges, avocados, etc. In fact it has become a game now, so that if I say "orange," (or hold one up) he replies "apple!" Other words include: ball (his favorite toy), balloon, bubble, bath ("ba"), mama, and lots of babbling we don't understand yet. He imitates and understands far more words than he can say on his own, and happily responds to simple requests like, "Bring mama the book," or "Where's the kitty?" And one of his new favorite games is pointing to his (or my) body parts, when I say "Where's your tummy?", or head, toes, nose, eyes, fingers, etc.

Speaking of body parts, Bryce now has 16 teeth and continues to be a champion eater for the most part, eating pretty much whatever we do (including spicy foods.) However he does have his "toddler moments", like when he decided last week that he doesn't like peas anymore (?!&*?), or wonders what kind of noise the spoon will make when it hits the floor....

Ever since he's been mobile and talking, Bryce is constantly pointing at things and now saying, "iss-iss", which we think is "What's this?" It's as if he's realized there's a code for all these things and he needs to know how to label them. When he was younger, I wondered if he got much out of the stories we read him, but in the last several months he's developed a real interest in books, especially now that he can point at things in them and we'll name them for him.

Besides his books (or pointing at lights or airplanes or birds...), Bryce is also engrossed with his new Legos (building and taking apart things), blocks (he builds towers but knocks them down once they're 2 or 3 high), and shape sorters (he knows to put shapes through the holes, but not yet how to distinguish triangles from circles, etc.) He's not a big fan of cuddly toys (except for Ugly Doll, whom he sleeps with), so I tried teaching him to hug his panda bear - which he does, right before gleefully throwing it on the floor. * Sigh * At least he gets along with the cat: we've taught him to pet her gently, so she tolerates him, at least till he gets overexcited and starts yelling, at which point she scrams.

But Bryce's favorite thing of all? Balls. Big ones, little ones, bouncy, squishy, whatever -- as long as it's round and he can carry it, roll it, throw it or even kick it. (I think his fascination with bubbles and balloons is because they resemble balls....) He can't dribble yet, but he has discovered Daddy's basketball, and loves when Daddy will play with him.Speaking of Bryce and Daddy, they've been spending a lot of quality time together, since I was gone on business (to Las Vegas and Barcelona) for 2 of the 4 weeks in February. It's hard for me to be away, and Daddy has to play Mr. Mom 24/7 (in addition to his day job.) But the boys are troopers, and unlike last time I was gone, nobody got sick (well, no sicker than before I left) and most everybody slept through the night! It does make my time at home all the more precious, and we easily fill our weekends with fun family activities: hiking, playdates, museum visits, and sometimes just simple stuff like pancakes and coloring (though not at the same time.....)

So that gives you an idea of what our lives are like these day with Bryce the toddler. To wrap up, I'm including something new: a multimedia slideshow including pics from last December up through last weekend. Highlights include Christmas in Utah, plus new activities like fingerpainting and puddles. To see all the images, click here (don't use the links in the slideshow). Enjoy! and if you have any requests or comments, feel free to add them below, or email me directly.


Bryce's Mommy

Bryce's Photo Albums and Videos



2006 Photos
2005 (and before) Photos (Back when we used to travel - Bryce is obviously not in these!)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Last Saturday Morning

What I was up to while Mommy slept in and Daddy was in the shower....

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Christmas Highlights

Hi everyone! here's a few photos from my recent trip to Utah for the holidays. This is at Christmas morning brunch with Grandma Sue and Grandpa Randy Lindberg.

I also went outside to play in the snow. It's COLD and I didn't like it that much. I'd much rather be inside, fighting over new toys with cousin Evan.

On Christmas Eve we had a Lindberg family dinner and gifts: here we are with our traditional cereal boxes (it's a family joke) - except for me. I'm playing with my new favorite toy from that night - an Mula push toy from Ikea (thanks Aunt Cassie & Uncle Chris!) That's all for this month! Mommy promises a very detailed guest post next time. Happy New Year!