Sunday, November 12, 2006

November 12 - Bryce is 2 months old

Sorry these posts are falling behind a bit - is anyone reading this anyway? if so, please make a comment or drop us an email, so I know I'm not doing this purely for my own entertainment! Anyway, back to the official subject of this blog: Here's what he looks like when he falls asleep sitting up.

And here's some proof he smiles and giggles - although he sounds more like a honking goose.


Anonymous said...

I'm reading it - so continue blogging!
(BTW: because I am using RSS feeds I always know when you post something new!)

Anonymous said...

Adam (well, his parents) tries to keep up. :-) Adam still has some catching up to do. - H

Estelle said...

I read it too! Bryce is so cute :-) I love the videos.